Ashna Samai has the objective of working with communities because it is important to rescue the ancestral knowledge of medicinal plants and their properties, it is generally transmitted from mothers / fathers to children, thus promoting traditions and forming part of the cultural heritage of peoples. Likewise, agricultural activity is carried out regularly at home and is developed, to a greater extent, in the areas
rural areas, combined with silvicultural activities, without altering the ecological balance of their ecosystems,
millennial witnesses of this beneficial relationship.
Since its origins without the great economic and political pressures and changes in land use, farmers know and have managed their
environment and the resources they use to produce their medicines. Agricultural activity constitutes
an example of how promotion can be integrated into forms of production, the use of
resources and their conservation through sustainable production.
The formation of human capacities, intrinsic to the project, is at the very center of the concept
of human development, since these capacities are considered as opportunities for the peoples
indigenous peoples of Ecuador can lead a more dignified and fulfilling life based on their well-being where
we generate the opportunity not only to produce high quality raw materials but also products
made with said raw material. The biodiversity of the Ecuadorian Amazon is so rich that
we can offer the local and foreign community different natural medicines through oils
essentials, extracts and tinctures providing high quality products to combat the different
diseases suffered by humanity.
On the other hand, the gender issue has been taken into account both in the identification and in the
formulation of activities and the role of women as engines of development. The strategy for
encouraging the participation of women is to use their specific social position and cultural role, without trying
involve them through modalities that go against their traditions. To encourage this
participation, during the development of activities existing capacities will be identified and
The main beneficiaries are the communities that can provide the different raw materials required by the plant, the principle of inclusion lies in the interaction with the communities surrounding the plant and with those of the Napo province that have the capacity to provision in their fields. Its goal is to achieve economic and social development for the different communities that participate in wild collection and planting in the fields or ecological farms.
Ashna Samai provides its associates and suppliers with the varieties of plants required as well as a guide in their management, to later buy their production under more favorable and fair conditions, which generates an additional income on those of their daily chores. . In this way, it helps the social and economic development of the participating families.